Book Launch: Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Book-Launch Reading with Three Able Muse Authors

Book Launch - Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Book-Launch Reading
Date: Saturday, February 24, 3-4:30 P.M. EDT
Host: Rob Wright;
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three Able Muse Press authors Gregory Emilio, Stephen Gibson and Gabriel Spera, reading from their new collections--
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About the Readers:
- Gregory Emilio: Kitchen Apocrypha: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2024).
- Stephen Gibson: Frida Kahlo in Fort Lauderdale: Ekphrastic Poems (Able Muse Press, 2024);
- Gabriel Spera: Twisted Pairs: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2024).
Gregory Emilio is a poet and food writer from southern California. His poems and essays have appeared in Best New Poets, Gastronomica, North American Review, [PANK], the Rumpus, Tupelo Quarterly, and Southern Humanities Review. He holds an MFA from the University of California Riverside, and a PhD in English from Georgia State University. A mean home cook and avid cyclist, he lives in Atlanta and teaches at Kennesaw State University.
Stephen Gibson’s seventh collection, Self-Portrait in a Door-Length Mirror (University of Arkansas Press, 2017), won the Miller Williams Poetry Prize, selected by Billy Collins. Earlier collections include The Garden of Earthly Delights: Book of Ghazals (Texas Review Press, 2016); Rorschach Art Too (Story Line Press, 2014; reprint, Red Hen Press Legacy Title, 2021), winner of the Donald Justice Prize; Paradise (University of Arkansas Press, 2011), finalist for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize; Frescoes (Lost Horse Press, 2011), winner of the Idaho Prize for Poetry; Masaccio’s Expulsion (Intuit House, 2008), winner of the MARGIE Book Prize; and Rorschach Art (Red Hen Press, 2001). His poems have appeared in such journals as Able Muse, American Arts Quarterly, the American Journal of Poetry, Boulevard, Cimarron Review, Copper Nickel, Court Green, the Evansville Review, EPOCH, Field, the Gettysburg Review, the Hudson Review, the Iowa Review, J Journal, Measure, New England Review, Notre Dame Review, the Paris Review, Pleiades, Ploughshares, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Quiddity, Raleigh Review, Salamander, the Sewanee Review, Shenandoah, Southern Poetry Review, the Southern Review, the Southwest Review, Upstreet, the Yale Review, and elsewhere.
Gabriel Spera has published two collections of poetry. His first, The Standing Wave, was a National Poetry Series selection and received the 2004 Literary Book Award for Poetry from PEN USA-West. His second, The Rigid Body, was awarded the 2011 Richard Snyder Prize. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the City of Los Angeles, where he lives. Read more at
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About the Host:
- Rob Wright: Last Wishes: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2021).
Rob Wright has been awarded three Fellowships in Literature from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and has twice been nominated for the Push Cart Prize. He has published fiction, reviews, and poetry in Able Muse, Angle, Big City Lit, The Evansville Review, Measure, Rattle, String Poet, and the Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts. A finalist in the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Competition, he recently was awarded the Frost Prize for Metrical Poetry and was honored to give a reading at the home of Robert Frost in Derry, New Hampshire.~ ~ ~