Book Launch fo - Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Book-Launch Reading with Three Able Muse Authors

Book Launch - Three Able Muse Press Poets Read from Their New Collections - Free Admission for All
Able Muse Authors Book-Launch Reading
Date: Saturday, August 26, 3-4:30 P.M. EDT
Host: Rob Wright;
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three Able Muse Press authors Daniel Galef, Katie Hartsock, and William Baer reading from their new collections--
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About the Readers:
- William Baer: Advocatus Diaboli - A Novel (The Catholic Themes, Book One); Murder in Times Square - A Novel (The Deirdre Mystery , Book One)--both from Many Words Press, 2023); New Jersey Noir: Barnegat Light - A Novel (Book Three of the Jack Colt Murder Mystery Novels); New Jersey Noir: Cape May - A Novel (Book Two ...); New Jersey Noir - A Novel (Book One ...); Times Square and Other Stories--respectively from Able Muse Press, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2015);
- Daniel Galef: Imaginary Sonnets (Word Galaxy Press, 2023);
- Katie Hartsock: Wolf Trees: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2023); Bed of Impatiens: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2016).
Daniel Galef was born and raised in Oxford, Mississippi, where he spent his afternoons on the veranda of Square Books. After studying philosophy and classics at McGill University in Montreal, he received his MFA from the fiction program at Florida State University in Tallahassee. His poetry covers a diverse range of styles and genres, including light verse (Light Quarterly, the Saturday Evening Post, the Washington Post Style Invitational), children’s literature (Spider, the Caterpillar, School Magazine), and serious formal poetry (Able Muse, Atlanta Review, the Lyric). Besides poems, he also writes fiction (Indiana Review, Juked, the Best Small Fictions anthology), nonfiction (Word Ways, Working Classicists, the Journal of Compressed Creative Arts), humor and satire (American Bystander,, the Journal of Irreproducible Results), and plays (Players’ Theatre Montréal, Théâtre MainLine Theatre). In 2022 he placed second in the New Yorker cartoon caption contest. This is his first book.
Katie Hartsock is the author of two poetry collections, Wolf Trees (2023) and Bed of Impatiens (2016), both from Able Muse Press. Her poems appear widely, in journals such as Ecotone, Poetry, Kenyon Review, 32 Poems, the Threepenny Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, Greensboro Review, Pleiades, Dappled Things, the New Criterion, and Beloit Poetry Journal. She is an associate professor of English and Creative Writing at Oakland University in Michigan. She lives in Ann Arbor with her husband and their young sons.
William Baer is the author of thirty books including Times Square and Other Stories, Psalter: A Sequence of Catholic Sonnets, Classic American Films: Conversations with the Screenwriters, Luís de Camões: Selected Sonnets (translations from the Portuguese); and the Jack Colt Mystery series, New Jersey Noir. A graduate of Rutgers, NYU, South Carolina, the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, and USC Cinema, he’s been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Fulbright (Portugal), an NEA fellowship in fiction, the T. S. Eliot Award, and the Jack Nicholson Screenwriting Award. He was also the founding editor of the Formalist, the founding director of the St. Robert Southwell Summer Workshops, and the film critic and poetry editor at Crisis.
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About the Host:
- Rob Wright: Last Wishes: Poems (Able Muse Press, 2021).
Rob Wright, after working for three decades in film production, has now chosen to spend his time writing. He currently serves as associate fiction editor for Able Muse, and has been awarded three Fellowships in Literature from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and has published fiction, reviews, and poetry in Able Muse, Angle, Big City Lit, the Evansville Review, Measure, Rattle, String Poet, and the Schuylkill Valley Journal. A finalist for the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award, he recently was awarded the Frost Farm Prize for Metrical Poetry and was honored to give a reading at the home of Frost in Derry, New Hampshire. His debut poetry collection, Last Wishes, was a finalist for the 2019 Able Muse Book Award (Able Muse Press, 2021).~ ~ ~